Museo Ferroviario de Baquedano (Chile)
On our journey from San Pedro to Antofagasta we passed the small town Baquedano about 90km northeast of Antofagasta. Here, the railway lines Ferrocaril de Antofagasta (FCAB) that leads from Antofagasta towards Bolivia cross with the Ferronor route, which runs parallel to the ocean coming from the south and reaches at Iquique the Pacific. In the otherwise inconspicuous place there is a railway museum, which is freely accessible. Although a little hard to find as not explicitly signposted, here are some old English steam locomotives in a locomotive shed with turntable. The environment looks as if the staff had just left everything on the premises after closing down. |
Auf dem Weg von San Pedro und Calama Richtung Süden begegnen uns ein paar moderne Dieselloks - hier ein Lokzug mit FCBA #2006... On the way from San Pedro and Calama to the south we meet some modern diesel locomotives - here a locomotive train with FCBA #2006... Sony RX10-III |
und #1454... and #1454... Sony RX10-III |
Lastenzug auf dem Weg nach Antofagasta... Freight train on the way to Antofagasta... Sony RX10-III |
Museo Ferroviario de Baquedano... Museo Ferroviario de Baquedano... Sony RX10-III |
Dehscheibe im Zentrum der Anlage... Turntable in the center of the plant... Sony RX10-III |
Hier bewegt sich schon lange nichts mehr... Nothing has moved here for a long time... Sony RX10-III |
Mehrere alte Baldwin Lokomotiven Typ W sind hier zu finden... Several old Baldwin locomotives type W can be found here... Sony RX10-III |
Die Loks sind noch in einem relativ guten Zustand... The locomotives are still in relatively good condition... Sony RX10-III |
Startbereit ??? Ready to start ??? Sony RX10-III |
Bis zu 16 Lokomotiven fanden im Lokschuppen Platz... Up to 16 locomotives found place in the engine shed... Sony RX10-III |
Altes Trio... Old trio... Sony RX10-III |
Zuggarnitur... Train set... Sony RX10-III |
Alter Waggon... Old wagon... Sony RX10-III |
Freiluftmuseum... Open air museum... Sony RX10-III |